Advocacy, education, and outreach events will be updated and posted here as founder of DiepCJourney Foundation, Terri, continues her work educating about breast reconstruction options after mastectomy for those affected by breast cancer.
Upcoming Events
After a productive December board meeting, the Foundation is excited about new collaborations, projects, and sponsors who will be joining our mission in 2025 to empower and educate patients on all options of breast reconstruction after mastectomy. We will begin our fifth season of the DiepCJourney podcast and are excited about new guests that will span the globe. We are adding even more videos to our DiepCJourney Foundation educational channel. Our Founder/Director will be attending the annual meeting of the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery meeting in January. From all of us at DiepCJourney Foundation we wish you a productive, healthy, and Happy 2025 New Year!!
Past Events
A message from our Founder/Director as we close out another year at DiepCJourney Foundation and look forward to 2025…
As we enter the end of the year and season of giving, we want you to know at DiepCJourney Foundation, we have now set up a new way to donate. Besides the GIVE NOW button or the Donate button and Donate page, we have also set up donations directly to DiepCJourney Foundation if you use Zelle through your bank. Scan the QR code below. Thank you on behalf of the community we serve.
We are excited to have our third community gathering for those we serve in the Seattle area this month. We will be sharing personal stories, resources, and even have a pay it forward table of gently used items others will share for those who might need some recovery items. Many thanks to local merchants who donated prizes for our FREE giveaway who include: Duvall Goldsmith’s Vixen Collection AnoOno Intimates Kirstin Litz Splendor + Stone and many thanks to our board member Kitty Ballard for providing a beautiful space at Windermere
The Foundation Director is returning for the fifth year to make a presentation supported by Microsoft employee giving. Terri will shares stories of the patients the Foundation is serving and has served over the past year and our hopes for the future. She will bring her “call to action” for Breast Cancer Awareness month and Breast Reconstruction Awareness.
Our Foundation Director, Terri Coutee, will be attending the American Society of Plastic Surgeons annual meeting, PSTM24, in San Diego. She is an invited faculty speaker and panelist joined by notable plastic surgeons across the country. The topic of the presentation is, #Bettertogether: Interdisciplinary Alliances: Collaborating for Comprehensive Care in Plastic Surgery.
Can it be possible we are celebrating the beginning of our ninth year of service at DiepCFoundation? YES!!! Each August we have a special care package giveaway as part of this anniversary celebration on our Instagram page. We are so happy to share these special gifts to those having surgery and are in recovery. Thank you to InviCible Scars and Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo, the developer of the scar cream, for generously donating to our care packages!
We are a global nonprofit serving a community around the world. DiepCFoundation operates out of Seattle, Washington, and this month we are focusing on supporting other local nonprofits in our area serving the breast cancer and breast reconstruction community. Our Director, Terri Coutee, will be helping out at the Northwest Hope and Healing Life in Color Fashion show as survivors take to the runway to celebrate life, survivorship, and being a part of a supportive community.
This month as we head into summer, our Foundation Director is pleased to pay it forward to an organization we have listed on our DiepCJourney blog resources tab under Financial Assistance. Northwest Hope and Healing is holding their annual Life in Color Fashion show to raise much needed money for those affected by breast and gynecological cancers. Last year, as a model participant, our Founder walked the runway. This year, she will be a model mentor helping new models feel at ease as they participate in this inspiring event. They will be meeting at The Finerie, a beautiful downtown Seattle shop this month to try on unique outfits for the models ahead of the event in August.
The Foundation Director is pleased to share we will be having a local community event this month bringing together those affected by breast cancer. This community gathering includes those planning surgery or have already had breast reconstruction. I want to personally than Kitty Ballard of Windermere Realty for providing a lovely venue at her office to hold this event. I also want to acknowledge the following merchants for providing some wonderful donations for our prizes for the event.
- Suburban Soul Boutique
- Thrive Community Fitness Duvall
- Rustic Cabin Coffee Duvall
We are focusing on the Washington Give BIG campaign this month to raise awareness and donations to support the mission of DiepCFoundation. Our information and donation page can be found here with patient testimonials and the support we provide at the Foundation. We hope you will consider a donation.
The Founder/Director of DiepCFoundation will be attending and actively participating in sessions and events at the annual meeting of the American Society of Breast Surgeons Meeting. This will give us an opportunity to share the latest breast surgery information with our community and network with surgeons to publish more educational content for our video channel and podcast.
This is content building month at the Foundation. We are thrilled to have many new and returning guests to our DiepCJourney Podcast, DiepCFoundation YouTube channel, and some surprise guest writers for the DiepCJourney Blog. Don’t forget to check out our Instagram account for some special posts on our community activities and folks we meet. We are excited to share the new LinkedIn account for the DiepCFoundation.
DiepCFoundation is holding a local event in Seattle for anyone who has been served by the Foundation throughout their breast reconstruction Journey. The community meet up will involve distributing Foundation educational material and sharing patient stories.
Our Founder/Director will be attending the annual American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Meeting this month to attend educational sessions on the latest techniques and treatments in breast surgery and breast reconstruction. There she will connect with other surgeons to schedule more DiepCJourney podcasts and educational videos for the DiepCFoundation YouTube channel.
We are happy to share our latest edition of the DiepCJouney newsletter. It is packed with information from surgeons, tattoo artists, and news from the London Breast Meeting that our Founder/Director attended in September of this year. To subscribe and read all issues of the Newsletter you can follow the Newsletter link here.
We will be having our DiepCFoundation Board Meeting this month to report our successes this fall and report on new partnerships we will be forming in 2024 and projects we have for the upcoming year.
From all of us at the Foundation we send you best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and Best Wishes for 2024! Thank you for supporting us in 2023 and don’t forget you can donate here or reach out to us for a corporate sponsorship.
At the recent attendance at the London Breast Meeting in early September, our Founder/Director will be sharing formation gleaned from the conference. In the upcoming weeks and into the new year, Terri will be hosting/interviewing international guests from the conference regarding surgical techniques, research, and new innovations regarding breast cancer and breast reconstruction surgery on the DiepCJourney podcast and the DiepCFoundation YouTube channel.
The Founder/Director will be traveling this month to the American Society of Plastic Surgeon’s Annual Meeting, PSTM23, Plastic Surgery the Meeting. This will take place in Austin. Terri will be connecting with U.S. and International microsurgeons to enhance her knowledge and bring back the latest techniques in breast reconstruction surgery.
The Founder Director will be making her fifth annual presentation for the Microsoft Give Day presenting on the theme: “Breast Cancer: Our True Outreach and Influence”. Information on all options of breast reconstruction for those affected by breast cancer will be presented along with the impact factor the Foundation has on bridging the gap in communication between the patient and healthcare professionals who serve the breast cancer community.
During her travel to Texas, the Founder and Director will be visiting PRMA Plastic Surgery as an extension of their breast reconstruction awareness during the month of October. Terri will visit and highlight the work of the surgeons at PRMA showcasing their latest facility for patients in San Antonio, the Methodist Landmark Hospital.
We are thrilled to announce our Founder/Director will be speaking at the London Breast Meeting in September. This is an important opportunity for the Foundation to unite with surgeons and practitioners from around the world to discuss the latest strategies, techniques and innovations. We look forward to bringing this information to the breast cancer and breast reconstruction community we serve.
Past Events
The Foundation is very excited to be partnering with the Seattle nonprofit, Northwest Hope and Healing, for their Life in Color Fashion Show. They will be showcasing breast cancer survivors and a partner model at this event. The Founder and Director will be one of the featured models and we will be sponsoring a table with family, friends, and survivors we have served celebrating the collaborative efforts of nonprofit work.
The Founder/Director of DiepCFoundation will be attending the Best of ASCO conference in Seattle, Washington on July 21-22nd to gather information for the breast cancer and breast reconstruction community we serve.
This month we are focusing on metastatic breast cancer. We have two guests we would like to feature from our resources. Dr. Minas Chrysopolou of PRMA in San Antonio and developer of the Breast Advocate App discusses Breast Reconstruction for Stage IV Breast Cancer.
Our next resource is from the DiepCJourney podcast series. Our Founder/Director interviews Abigail Johnston about her work with patient advocacy and living with Stage IV metastatic breast cancer.
May 2023
The WA Gives campaign is in full swing. We are grateful to our donors who stand beside us in our mission to provide resources to those affected by breast cancer. Here is the donate page: We love to hear patient stories and feature Nikki’s story here:
April 2023
The Foundation focused on breast reconstruction for stage IV patients. In collaboration with the developer of the Breast Advocate app, Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo we would like to share the interview we published this month with Dr. C. that includes a slide show explaining the resources available on the app for the stage IV/metastatic community to explore options for breast reconstruction surgery. We will be publishing a podcast in June with a patient advocate in the metastatic community so stay tuned for that. Here is our video interview with Dr. C.
March 2023
The Foundation Director is very pleased to announce she will be visiting Southwest Breast and Aesthetics in Phoenix, AZ to spend a day with their surgical team Dr. Tim Matatov, Dr. Joseph Zakhary, and Dr. Matthew Mino to educate patients about all options for autologous breast reconstruction options.
Past Events
February 2023
There are many passionate surgeons who have dedicated their lives to performing the DIEP flap surgery. Patients affected are dismayed at coding changes and what is being taken away from the breast cancer community. At DiepCFoundation, We are actively involved in sharing patient stories and staying abreast of changes and how we can help.
How Can You Help As a Breast Cancer Patient
I am leaning on those who have helped me the past couple of weeks. They have set up websites for patients to contact state representatives to tell your story and voice your concern. This list is for your reference. I cannot do any better job than what they have done. A personal note of gratitude goes out to the follow organizations and individuals. Please check out more information. I am providing their links here.
- PRMA Plastic Surgery ~ Blog, “Join the Fight”
- Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo, MD, FACS ~ Explanation of Coding Changes
- Center For Natural Breast Reconstruction ~ Advocacy Page
Read more in the DiepCJourney blog link below:
Foundation Director, Terri Coutee, will be in attendance for the Breast Cancer Year in Review at the University of Kansas Cancer Center this February to share updates and information with the DiepCFoundation community.
January 2023
The Foundation Director is attending The American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery Meeting. This event will serve to inform our community about the latest in surgical innovations in breast reconstruction for those affected by breast cancer.
The Foundation Director is honored to be part of the Alamo Breast Cancer Foundation Advocate Program at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium this year. The focus will be attending sessions to learn the latest studies and research to take this information back to the breast cancer community we serve.
November 2022
It is end of the year Giving Season. We have updated our Donate Page with links to make giving to easier.
We are grateful to our volunteers, donors, and sponsors for being part of our mission to education and empower those affected by breast cancer with support and information to make an informed decision about all options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
October 2022
It is breast cancer awareness month and on Wednesday, October 19th it is BRA day, Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day. Here are some of the activities we are involved in.
BRA-va ART: Bringing Global Awareness to Breast Reconstruction
Our friend and patient advocate in Sydney, Australia, Luan Lawrenson-Woods, started the BRA-va Art project on Instagram to bring global awareness to breast reconstruction. Learn more by watching our video here:
BRA Day at PRMA in San Antonio
I am thrilled to return to PRMA in San Antonio to represent the Foundation at their breast reconstruction awareness day event. This is where I had my DIEP flap breast reconstruction with Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo.
Panelist on the iBreast Webinar
I have been invited to represent the Foundation as a panelist for the 37th IBreastBook webinar and it is on HRT, Hormones and Breast Cancer. You can register for free here:
Many thanks to oncoplastic surgeon, Dr. Yazan Masannat for the invitation.
Microsoft GIVE Day
This is the fourth year the Foundation will be making a presentation at the Microsoft campus in Redmond, WA, providing information and resources about all options of breast reconstruction. I will be answering questions and telling the Microsoft Team what the Foundation has been doing the past year. You can read more in this blog link:
September 2022
The Foundation has scheduled interviews this month spanning a number of topics in breast cancer and breast reconstruction surgery. We are excited to be adding these to the DiepC Foundation YouTube channel and the DiepCJourney podcast. These resources are provided to educate, inform, and empower patients to make their best decision for treatment and surgery when facing breast cancer. Watch this space for upcoming information about the work the Foundation will be doing as we approach October and BRA day, Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day 2022!
Past Events
August 2022
The Foundation is excited to share some new changes to our DiepCJourney blog page. Please check out our new media tab with listings and links to our educational videos, the DiepCJourney podcast summaries, and … drum roll, we listened to our followers and after we took a poll, our first ever DiepCJourney Foundation newsletter is ready for viewing. Click on this link to read the inaugural edition and we hope you will sign up to receive the next one. They will be loaded with valuable information for patients, surgeons, and caregivers on all things breast reconstruction and breast cancer.
We are celebrating the seventh year of service at the Foundation. Like last year, we have a special GIVEAWAY each week in August. It contains recovery care items provided by the Foundation and InviCible Scar Cream and Kili Medical Drain Carrier. We are grateful for their contributions to our weekly GIVEAWAY.
Past Events
July 2022
Like many of you, we are kicking back and taking a summer break to polish up some things at the Foundation and look ahead to new things coming in August. Stay tuned in our August update. Have a glorious summer and rest, renew, and relax!
June 2022
June is a time for DiepCFoundation to interview guests for the DiepCJourney Podcast and DiepCFoundation YouTube channel to add to our resources for those affected by breast cancer seeking all options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy. We recently interview Dr. Randall Feingold of NYBRA Plastic Surgery. Patients requested information about drain function and management and Dr. Feingold graciously answered our request to educate and inform on this topic.
May 2022
The Washington Gives Fundraiser is in full swing with focused days in May on 5/3 and 5/4. Please check out our page to find out more about the resources and support we provide and to watch a touching video by a Washington State resident who found DiepCFoundation.
The Foundation is traveling to PRMA in San Antonio to represent the Foundation in their celebration of performing over 10K flap surgeries with a 10K run. Half of the proceeds will go to DiepCFoundation. We will have a booth set up at the race providing resources and educational support for those attending. Please join us virtually or in person by signing up here: 10K for 10K flaps Breast Reconstructions
April 2022
DiepCFoundation will be serving a dual role at the American Society of Breast Surgeons Annual Conference (ASBrS) in Las Vegas, Nevada from April 7-10. We will have an exhibitor booth providing educational information for patients on surgical treatment options for their survivorship plan. We look forward to engaging with surgeons and industry focusing on informed choice in breast surgery. Founder and Director, Terri Coutee, will be representing the Foundation along with board member Kirstin Litz. We look forward to attending educational sessions to share what we learn with the breast cancer and breast reconstruction community we serve.
March 2022
Join our DiepCFoundation Team on Saturday, May 14, 2021, for the American Society of Breast Surgeons Second Annual Virtual 5K Race for Every Breast Cancer Survivor. Each year those affected by breast cancer must make tough decisions when facing a mastectomy. At Journey Strong Team, started by a two-time breast cancer patient and Founder of, we are raising money on behalf of these patients. We provide resources, education, and support through a number of online resources. These are available to you 24/7 and provide evidence-based information to empower you to make an informed decision about all your options for breast reconstruction, including aesthetic flat closure. We provide a community of support that includes survivors, thrivors, and health care professionals all focused on the best possible outcomes for patients.
Coming this Spring to San Antonio:
Another great opportunity and fundraiser for DiepCFoundation on behalf of PRMA celebrating their amazing accomplishment of over 10K flap breast reconstructions for those affected by breast cancer. You can sign up to participate here. If you are interested in a sponsorship please secure your sponsorship by emailing
February 2022
At the Foundation, we provide our 24/7 online resource on our educational YouTube channel for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Our goal is to inform, and engage in discussion with our guests to provide this information to viewers to prepare patients for their surgical consult either in breast surgery, or breast reconstruction. Below you can see our growth in February for 2022.
January 2022
New goals, new board members, fresh ideas as we begin 2022 at Check out our new board members on the About tab here:
We are thrilled to announce the opening of our second season of the DiepCJourney podcast. Episode 1 is published. With over 5,000 downloads in 12 countries during season 1, we are grateful this educational platform is being utilized for those in the breast cancer and breast reconstruction community who need it. We are going to expand the depth of our topics this season. We hope you’ll listen, download, and share in your own communities. We already have many exciting guests on our schedule.
December 2021
What better way to wrap up the year than to “return home” to PRMA for this educational event. We will be speaking to patients and rekindling friendships at the “Jingle on the Journey“. Many thanks for providing this opportunity to educate, support, and inform patients about their breast reconstruction options.
November 2021
The Foundation Director, Terri Coutee is honored to partner with GRYT Health for their Global Virtual Cancer Conference as a speaker with Minas Chrysopoulo, MD, FACS, Founder of the Breast Advocate app, on the topic of “How to Approach a Patient and Provider Relationship” on Thursday, November 11, 2021 @8pm ET, 7pm CST, 5pm PT.
October 2021
We are very honored to be participating in PRMA (Plastic Reconstructive Microsurgical Associates) #BRAday2021. Their day long Facebook event will include this information from the Foundation. Click on the link to watch the video from The Foundation and what we provide.
The Foundation will participating in the WHIS Talks – Patient Empowerment and Shared Decisions speaking to global healthcare thought leaders about patient empowerment and shared decisions. Fri, Oct 15, 2021 @2pm BST, 6am PST.
Foundation director, Terri Coutee, will be a panelist along with Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo and moderator, Yazan Masanat of iBreast project for a discussion entitled, “The Little Things That Matter”.
September 2021
August 2021
We are so excited to start a month long celebration of the beginning of our 6th year at The thousands of men, women, and healthcare workers we have connected with over the years is astounding. We feel so fortunate to be doing what we are doing. In celebration, we are giving away a weekly drawing during the month of August. We are including some Foundation materials for those who enter and have been affected by breast cancer. We hope this little box of goodies helps through their reconstruction recovery.
We are also very excited to pair with the Pink Ink Fund to provide three mini grants for post mastectomy tattoos. We will post more information on our social media accounts at the end of August. We will give one away during the months of September, October, and November. Many thanks to Amy Black for her passion in starting this organization.
July 2021
The Foundation supports the SDG3: Good Health and Well-Being and is honored to share a co-authored paper done with Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo, President of PRMA and Founder of the Breast Advocate App about a topic we are both passionate about, “Shared Decision-Making”. You can read the entirety of the WHIS Inspire Edition2 and find out the amazing work being done by Gareth Presch and his team.
June 2021
DiepCFoundation honors all those who are affected by cancer, and especially in our community, those affected by breast cancer during the month of June. We will use the hashtag #CancerSurvivorsMonth beginning June, 6, Cancer Survivors’ Day, for posts about patients, services, and information regarding this month of awareness.
We will be presenting interviews on the DiepCFoundation YouTube channel and the DiepCJourney Podcast covering topics related to nerve pain and with innovators in breast reconstruction. Check out the channel and listen on Libsyn and Spotify to find out more. To make a donation or find out how to become a sponsor, visit:
May 2021
Our GIVE Big Washington Fundraising Campaign is in full swing. You can donate year round on our own donate page or read more testimonials and see some of the services we provide on our #GiveBIG Washington page. We are so grateful these wonderful ladies have shared their stories with us.
April 2021
The Foundation is very excited to participate in the GIVE Big Washington Campaign for the second year in a row. GiveBIG Washington allows you to set up a FUNdraiser in our honor on our page we would be honored! Donations can always be made to the Foundation via our Donate page also. It is with great honor that we announce we have achieved the highest level, the platinum seal of transparency on Guidestar. We are grateful to all our volunteers and generous donors.
Webinar and Conference Attendance in April
To stay up to date on the latest innovations in breast reconstruction surgery Founder and Director Terri Coutee will be attending the following webinar this month with thought leaders in the industry thanks to the iBreast Webinar Series.
The Founder/Director will also be in attendance at the virtual American Society of Breast Surgeons Conference as a patient advocate affiliate to learn the latest in oncoplastic techniques and breast surgery.
March 2021
Stay tuned for our latest interviews and upcoming guests on the DiepCJourney home page under our Podcast tab. We are excited to present Episodes 1-5 of the DiepCJourney Podcast with the following guests:
Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo founder of the Breast Advocate App: Brest Reconstruction Advocacy
Dr. Tim Matatov: Blood Vessels in Breast Reconstruction
Dr. Anne Peled and Dr. Ziv Peled: Breast Reconstruction and Sensation
Dr. David Song: Coordinated Care in Breast Cancer
Dr. Ron Israeli and Dr. George DeNoto: Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
February 2021
DiepCFoundation supports #WorldCancerDay by providing resources for those affected by breast cancer at the following locations on line:
YouTube Channel:
Online closed Facebook support group:
Past Events
January 2021
The Foundation is excited to announce the start of the DiepC Journey Podcast that can be found on Apple iTunes and Spotify. We will have hosts that will include plastic surgeons, microsurgeons, breast surgeons, patients, and those who serve the breast cancer and breast reconstruction community. You can listen to our introduction here:
December 2020
At our board meeting this month, we looked back at the accomplishments of the year and celebrated the growth and outreach DiepCFoundation was able to provide through the blog, the DiepC Foundation YouTube channel, support from surgeons, growth of the Journey Facebook group as a global community of learning and sharing, and challenged ourselves to continue this education and support in new ways in the upcoming year. We are grateful for all those who follow us, support us, learn from our outreach, and share out information with those affected by breast cancer. We look forward to continuing our service in 2021.
The end of the year and giving season has realized some generous support for DiepCFoundation. with so many wonderful nonprofit organizations to give to, Founder and Director, Terri Coutee, set up a birthday fundraiser on Facebook for the Foundation and explains here how anyone can do this for DiepCFoundation throughout the year.
November 2020
The Foundation will have a virtual booth at the 2nd Global Virtual Cancer Conference, #GVCC2020. We will be available to chat and answer questions in the chat room. The Foundation will also have many of our educational resources available for viewing at our booth. Please consider attending and registering for this great conference. The information will remain available at the conclusion of the conference at
The Foundation will be interviewed by AiRS Foundation for their AiRing It Out Facebook Live series on their Facebook page. We look forward to discussing our combined efforts to educate and support those patients considering breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
October 2020
We partnered with PRMA Plastic Surgery this year to present information about at their Virtual BRA Day event, Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day. Many thanks for the invite! Here is the video they made.
For the second year in a row, I was graciously invited by Microsoft to make a presentation about my personal Journey for their Microsoft Gives campaign but more importantly to educate . I left there with a full heart. This is what happened after my presentation on breast reconstruction education and the circle of giving.
This webinar cosponsored by iBreast and Breast Advocate will discuss the importance of patient advocacy in breast cancer, breast surgery, and breast reconstruction health care. I am honored to be an invited speaker to represent the Foundation among other fine speakers and panelist members. We invite you to register for this FREE webinar here:
September 2020
We will be discussing health literacy, shared decision-making, and SDG #3: Good Health and Well-being, this month with WHIS Talks Founder Gareth Presch and Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo, Founder of the Breast Advocate App.
We had a productive Board meeting as we move in to our 5th year at DiepCFoundation. We are excited about upcoming projects we discussed and look forward to sharing them with you soon!!
Past Events
August 2020
It was a fantastic discussion with Elise at The OncoPT Podcast about shared decision-making. Join this great podcast for other series by a physical therapist who knows how to talk to breast cancer patients and those who have been through breast reconstruction.
What better way to celebrate our anniversary than interviewing those we serve at the Foundation. Our month long celebration begins with an Instagram Live interview with a young mother and BRCA positive gene carrier.
The Foundation is marking the beginning of our fifth year of service and celebrating with some fun activities. We were very please Dr. Mararena Vizcay, M.D. worked collaboratively with us in July to reach a broader audience in the Spanish speaking communities. So, a fun Instagram Live is planned.
July 2020
The Foundation is very please to introduce our collaboration with New York Breast Reconstruction and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, NYBRA. Their sponsorship broadens our mission by providing education and resources to empower women and men with information to make an informed decision about options for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. We are truly honored to work along beside them to provide the very best for patients.
We are please to partner with PRS Global Open Resident Ambassador, Macarena Vizcay, M.D., to bring you the Spanish translation of the DiepCJourney blog: Questions answered about Breast Reconstruction. This is a collaborative effort with Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo.
June 2020
The interviews have been many this month but we continue to spread the word about options for breast reconstruction and shared decision-making. Dr. Roy Kim, the social media editor for PRS Global Open, invited the me to chat about these topics in an Instagram Live this month. PRS Global Open is a free open access Journal resource the Foundation utilizes frequently to share evidence-based information to the community and to keep apprised of the latest research and studies on breast reconstruction in plastic surgery.
The Foundation is so grateful for the support from the breast cancer community and the surgeons who treat those affected by breast cancer. This interview is from The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction who are always willing and so helpful to carry out the mission of the Foundation, to provide education and resources to empower women and men with information to make an informed decision about options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
Many thanks to Dr. Pankaj Tiwari, MD, and Ergun Kocak, MD, of Midwest Breast and Aesthetic Surgery in Columbus Ohio for featuring an interview over at their great Podcast. This Podcast Episode #9 is LIVE: Two-time breast cancer survivor and Founder of DiepCFoundation Terri Coutee on DIEP flap breast reconstruction.
The Foundation is invited to speak about shared decision making, patient advocacy, and how these can improve patient outcomes in breast reconstruction with Gareth Presch on the WHIStalk Facebook page. We are honored to be a guest along with Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo, MD, creator of the Breast Advocate App, a shared decision-making tool for those affected by breast cancer.
May 2020
We are hosting an online fundraiser with Kendra Scott. 20% of proceeds will go directly to provide education and resources for those we serve at DiepCFoundation. Use the code GIVEBACK2979 in the “enter coupon code” area when you are ready to check out. Shop for graduation, new moms, weddings, or something special just for you! Thank you for shopping and remember, #YouDoGood with DiepCFoundation and Kendra Scott!
We are excited to be participating in the Give Big Washington fundraising campaign. We set up an online fundraiser, the We Care DIEP-ly campaign. We hope you will consider being part of those generous hearts who are donating to help us continue the mission of DiepCFoundation providing education and resources to empower women and men with information to make an informed decision about options for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy.
Click on the Photo to donate! Thank you!
April 2020
With lock down orders still in place due to the coronavirus during the month of April, DiepCFoundation continued to utilize all our social media platforms to reach a broader audience. We conducted a number of Instagram Live interviews with Dr. Summer Hanson of MD Anderson, Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo, MD, FACS of PRMA in San Antonio, Dr. Lashan Peiris, an oncolplastic breast surgeon from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the doctors of Midwest Breast and Aesthetic Surgery in Columbus, Ohio, Drs. Ergun Kocak and Pankaj Tiwari, and Dr. Anne Peled, a dual-trained plastic and breast cancer surgeon from San Francisco, California. We were even invited to be a guest for two interviews with board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Roy Kim of San Francisco. Through these interviews, we connected with surgeons across the globe including a new follower to the Foundation, Dr. Joe Dussledorp. He now has copies of the Foundation brochure to share with his Australian breast cancer patients interested in Breast Reconstruction. Many interviews were conducted, recorded and are currently in the cue for production for our DiepC Foundation educational YouTube Channel.
March 2020
We are working stronger than ever here at the Foundation during the Coronavirus outbreak that has affected so many across the globe. We encourage you two practice two of the most important safety measures to help us #FlattenTheCurve
- Stay at home
- Wash your hands frequently
We are continuing to publish new videos each month. Check out the VIDEOS tab on the Foundation page to stay up to date as new ones are published.
The Foundation is also utilizing online platforms to continue our outreach and educational resources since many in-person conferences have been cancelled. This month we have recorded videos that are currently or will be available soon from Fazila Seker, Patient Power, and Champagne Nutrition.
February 2020
I am honored to be speaking at the BC3 Conference for breast cancer coordinated care. I will be talking about patient advocacy and how I advocate for reconstructive options after breast cancer. I am honored the conference will have a one day only registration opportunity for patients on Friday, February 28th, at a rate of only $20 for the day. I would love to meet you there. After clicking on “Register now” and signing in, find the $20 patient rate.
Founder and Director of DiepCFoundation will be speaking at the February Team Survivor Fitness Retreat 2020. Terri will share her story from her double mastectomy and opening a nonprofit Foundation to educating women and men about their options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy, including implant-based reconstruction and using your own tissue. Retreat participants will learn what resources are provided to empower you to make an informed decision about planning, surgery, finding a board-certified plastic surgeon, recovery from surgery, and returning to a strong, healthy life after breast reconstruction.
January 2020
With a successful #BC3Listens #TwitterTalk behind us to educate our followers about the upcoming conference, it was an honor to be part of this forum to let others know how important coordinated care in breast cancer can be for patients.
Founder and Director, Terri Coutee, will be attending the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM) Annual Meeting this year. The purpose is to learn about the latest techniques and topics in reconstructive microsurgery as it relates to breast reconstruction. Terri looks forward to interacting with some of the top microsurgeons across the United States to learn more about evidence-based studies and techniques so she can share this with her community.
With Gratitude to our Supporters in 2019!
December 2019
DiepCFoundation will be having its end of the year Board Meeting this month. We will be reflecting on the amazing year we have had thanks to those who have been part of this ongoing Journey. On the agenda: Projects that are on the calendar for 2020. We are excited! Stay tuned and we’ll keep you updated here as we roll into the New Year. I want to publicly thank my amazing Board for their unwavering support, help, and encouragement as we enter our fourth year here at DiepCFoundation.
Past Events
November 2019
Tuesday, November 5th, 10 PM ET, 9pm CT, 7pm PT on the GRYT health platform, Join Founder/Director Terri Coutee, for an evening of information about breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
Monday, November 4th, 9pm ET, 8pm CT, 7pm PT.
The Foundation will be participating in a #BCSM (Breast Cancer Social Media) Tweet chat on “Shared Decision-Making” with Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo. Join us from the comfort of your home on your lap top or mobile device. Use and enter the hashtag “bcsm” logging in with your Twitter handle.
October 2019
DiepCFoundation will attend the GRYT Virtual Cancer Conference on Saturday, October 5th. Our booth will have a number of the resources the Foundation provides: Online support group, blog, YouTube channel, and some documents on breast reconstruction.
Our Fundraiser this month with be in honor of BRA Day, Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day 2019. The Founder and Director will be available to answer questions about breast reconstruction options after mastectomy in the beautiful downtown Bellevue GlassyBaby store. Come join us Friday, October 18th from 10 am to 7 pm for a day of shopping and education.
Our amazing volunteers will be at the DiepCFoundation table at another fantastic Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day in San Antonio hosted by PRMA on Wednesday, October 16th. We hope you stop by the event if you are in the San Antonio area for an evening of education and to meet the surgeons of PRMA and chat with patients.
The Foundation is honored to give an educational presentation about all options for breast reconstruction at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington, on October 23rd as part of their October Giving Campaign. We are grateful to Microsoft for this opportunity to share the work and mission of the Foundation.
Past Events
September 2019
This month, Founder and Director, Terri Coutee, will be traveling to San Diego to participate as a patient advocate for the fourth year running to attend Plastic Surgery the Meeting, PSTM19. She will be on a panel to share her breast reconstruction story at an event sponsored by Mentor Worldwide, LLC entitled: “Connecting with your Patients: Building A Partnership with your Breast Reconstruction Patients”. Her attendance will include connecting with the plastic surgery community and attending sessions focused on surgical options and advancements in breast reconstruction.
August 2019
The Foundation is traveling to Ohio to meet the surgeons at Midwest Breast and Aesthetic Surgery, Drs. Ergun Kocak and Pankaj Tiwari. We are excited to make some more DiepC Foundation YouTube videos with them. Additional videos will be recorded with the Wolfe Foundation Cancer Wellness Program at the McConnell Heart Health Center. We will be meeting with Chrissy at Living Story Tattoo to interview her about her work with post breast reconstruction patients. We are excited about this event packed week of advocacy this month.
July 2019
I invite you to join me and Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo of PRMA in San Antonio for a BCSM (breast cancer social media) tweet chat. It will be held on Monday evening, July 29th for an hour beginning at 9 pm Eastern / 8 pm Central / 6 pm Pacific on Twitter. Directions and how to participate can be found here in this blog.
DiepCFoundation is proud to partner with Heal in as an affiliate to provide post mastectomy and breast reconstruction recovery shirts to hold drains. When you place your order here a portion of the proceeds will go back to DiepCFoundation to continue our mission to educate and empower those seeking information about Breast Reconstruction after mastectomy. You can read more about the benefits of the shirt here:
June 2019
Join us June 22nd! DiepCFoundation is excited to announce an upcoming Fundraiser with Kendra Scott at the Bellevue, WA location at Bellevue Square. Founder/Director Terri Coutee will be there to provide educational resources for those seeking information for all options of breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Kendra Scott will provide sips, sweet and jewels to purchase with 20% of all sales benefiting the Foundation between the hours of 2pm and 4pm. You can call the store between these hours, mention DiepCFoundation, and you will receive free shipping on all orders. (425) 278-9521.
Past Events
April/May 2019
Terri Coutee, Founder/Director of will be attending the American Society of Breast Surgeons annual conference in Dallas as a patient advocate. There will be reports across social media channels from the conference.
The Foundation will be visiting PRMA in San Antonio to interview Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo for educational videos on Breast Reconstruction topics. We are honored to have this opportunity.
March 2019 ~
We are excited to add more educational videos and subscribers to our YouTube Channel this month.
February 2019 ~
The Foundation interviewed and recorded educational videos with Eric Eye Restorative Tattoos in Seattle to about his work with post breast reconstruction patients.
Past Events
January 2019 ~
Patients are our focus at the Foundation. We love meeting patients in person for personal stories of courage, planning, healing and hopes for rebuilding their lives. It is an honor to know them and walk with them through their Journey.
December 2018 ~
The Foundation Director attended an informative workshop presented by Breast Cancer Alliance in partnership with Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. It was an honor to see patient advocate mentors and meet new surgeons and oncologists.
October 2018 ~
Come join in the fun and sparkles at Kendra Scott on Thursday, October 18 from 1-4 pm PST. We will be at the store at La Encantada in Tucson for our October fundraiser. Can’t join us? Call your order in at 520-433-9726 between 1-4pm PST and get free shipping!
September 2018 ~
The annual conference, Plastic Surgery the Meeting, PSTM18, is being held in Chicago this year. The Foundation is honored to be represented by Founder/Director Terri Coutee as a patient advocate panelist for the 2nd Shared Decision Making panel with ASPS board certified plastic surgeon and moderator, Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo, panelist and ASPS plastic surgeon, Dr. Hani Sbitany, and patient advocate and panelist, Kirstin Litz. We look forward to engaging with the plastic surgery community in discussion about this important topic for patients and physicians.
While in Chicago for Plastic Surgery the Meeting, I am very honored to be the Honorary Race Starter for the Close the Loop 5K Run supporting the Breast Reconstruction Awareness Campaign of the Plastic Surgery Foundation. See you bright and early Sunday morning, September 30, 2018 at the start line!
August 2018 ~
The Foundation will be having their quarterly board meeting. September and October are sizing up to be fantastic, productive months.
July 2018 ~
When the temperatures reach 100+ degrees, runs a campaign to mail educational brochures around the country. These brochures list all our Social Media channels that help support and educate those who need this most, #BreastCancer patients facing #mastectomy and considering #BreastReconstruction. Thank you to the #JourneyStrong members of for their amazing advocacy and helping with this campaign! Where did we send them?
- Texas
- Iowa
- New Jersey
- Wisconsin
- Maine
- Ohio
- Massachusettes
- South Carolina
- Washington
Past Events:
June 2018 ~ will be traveling to the Bay area this month. This year, an important part of our outreach is making educational videos. We will be visiting and interviewing a volunteer from the HERs Breast Cancer Foundation. This organization provides products to patients who may be transitioning from their mastectomy to reconstruction. The Foundation will also interview Ms. Kirstin Litz on the topics of the role of patient advocates and the importance of shared decision making in your breast reconstruction journey. We will speak to and interview Ms. Sherry LaSalle, a nurse navigator at Standford Health Care – Valley Care, about navigating your care with a nurse navigator.
May 2018 ~ is honored to be invited as a panelist and speaker for the Arizona chapter of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. Dr. Raman Mahabir will be the moderator of a panel on the topic of shared decision making. You can read more about it from the blog here.
April 2018 ~
#YouDoGood Fundraiser: Saturday, April 21st from 1-4 pm. Come in for mimosas and shop for Mother’s Day, Graduation, Birthday’s, Weddings, and more.
If you can’t make it in call the store between the hours of 1-4 pm MST to support 20% of sales will go to educating and providing support and resources about breast reconstruction options for those facing mastectomy.
Kendra Scott
2905 E Skyline Dr, Tucson, AZ
Phone: (520) 433-9726 is proud to collaborate with to support breast cancer patients in Journeying beyond a diagnosis of breast cancer at the Men In Pink Gala in San Antonio, TX, on April 6th.
March 2018 ~ continues to connect and counsel breast cancer patients on their Journey through the breast reconstruction process.
January 2018 ~
DiepCFoundation will be working with the Nadia Strong: Beautiful Beyond Breast Cancer nonprofit organization in January. Thanks for this opportunity Nadia!
DiepCFoundation will be meeting with ASPS plastic surgeon, Dr. Raman Mahabir and staff touring the Mayo facility in Scottsdale and discussing further education and patient advocacy in breast reconstruction.
DiepCFoundation will be meeting with Dr. Patricia Clark at Ironwood Cancer and Research Center to discuss oncoplasticsurgery. Our goal is to further education about this topic as it relates to breast reconstruction. #patientadvocacy!
December 2017 ~
The Foundation will be represented by Terri Coutee as a LEAD graduate to participate in forums on the latest research in breast cancer and breast reconstruction. Scientists, physicians, and patient advocates from around the globe will participate in one of the largest conferences of the year at The San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
October 2017 ~
Join me and @LivingBeyondBreastCancer for BRA Day on Oct 18 at 8:00pm (ET) for the Straight Talk: Breast Reconstruction Recovery Twitter Chat. During this chat a of panel of experts and those who have experienced breast reconstruction will discuss the many issues surrounding recovery. Learn more at
Public Speaking Engagement
Plastic Surgery the Meeting 2017
Patient Advocacy Panel on Shared Decision Making. Saturday: October 7th | 4:30-6pm | Orange County Convention Center
GlassyBaby Fundraiser and Educational forum for DiepCFoundation! Bellevue, WA Wednesday: October 18th | 10am – 7pm
More Details here on this event!
Kendra Scott Fundraiser! Don’t miss out on the fun:
Friday: October 13th | 4pm – 7pm
2905 E. Skyline Dr. ~ La Encantada in Tucson
August 2017 ~
San Antonio Stars Breast Health Awareness Game hosted by PRMA Plastic Surgery – Breast Reconstruction Specialists. There was lots of education shared, meeting new patients, and visiting with some fine micro-surgeons mixed with lots of fun!
July 2017 ~
Project LEAD: Leadership Education Advocacy Development. Honored to be part of this program and an official LEAD Graduate.
Working with ASPS plastic surgeons, Dr. Karen Horton and Dr. Roy Kim in San Francisco to announce the upcoming patient advocate panel at PSTM17 in Orlando, Florida in October.
June 2017 ~
Such a fun evening with Kendra Scott raising funds for those seeking information about breast reconstruction options.
May ~ 2017
Delivery of Foundation brochures. Very honored and many thanks to Arizona Oncology for having our Foundation brochures as part of their resource room to educate women interested in options for breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
April 2017 ~
Delivering Foundation pamphlets to local board certified plastic surgeons who perform breast reconstruction. Thank you for passing these along to your breast cancer patients. We talked Implants and
March 2017 ~
Zoom broadcast: “Possible Risks & Complications of Breast Reconstruction” with Dr. Minas Chrysopoulo.
February 2017 ~
Interviewed by: I’m Taking Charge podcast nation: Decisions… Immediate or Delayed Reconstruction.
December 2016 ~
Since 1977, the Symposium’s mission has been to provide state-of-the-art information on breast cancer research. From a one-day regional conference, the Symposium has grown to a five-day program attended by a broad international audience of academic and private researchers and physicians from over 90 countries.
The Symposium aims to achieve a balance of clinical, translational, and basic research, providing a forum for interaction, communication, and education for a broad spectrum of researchers, health professionals, and those with a special interest in breast cancer. From: San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
October 2016 ~
Dates: October 2nd, 8th, 15th and 29th.
Time: 1pm -4pm
Come to the Brighton La Encantada Store and meet Founder DiepCfoundation, Terri Coutee, and enjoy October Brighton Collectibles in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness month.
2nd Annual Tucson Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day
Saturday, October 22; 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
2099 E. River Rd., Tucson, AZ
Join us for Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day as part of a nationwide collaboration to educate breast cancer SURVIVORS on options and for breast reconstruction after mastectomy.
Pink & Blue: Colors of Hereditary Cancer
October 27 at The Loft Cinema from 6:30-8:30 3233 E Speedway Blvd, Tucson, AZ
Hosted by: DiepCFoundation: After the screening please join two-time breast cancer survivor and founder of, Terri Coutee, and medical experts for a panel discussion on hereditary cancer.
October 12 ~
Kendra Scott Winter 2016 Launch Party: #Kendra Gives Back Party
2905 E. Sklyline Dr., Tucson, AZ ~ Upper Level La Encantada
Date: October 12 at 5pm-8pm
20% of evening’s proceeds benefited DiepCFoundation
October 3 ~
Arizona Public Media: Spotlight
Interview with Founder, Terri Coutee and her breast surgeon, Dr. Michele Ley
September 25, 2016 ~
Anti-Cancer Club
PSTM16: Professional Conference for Educational Instruction on Breast Reconstruction
August 2016 ~ Co-Host Anti-Cancer Club #AllThingsCancer
August 2016 ~ Southern Arizona Oncology Nursing Society Symposium: SAONS
A real pleasure to share and meet Komen Arizona and BagIt gals at this educational symposium!
July 2016 ~ Methodist Healthcare San Antonio present an expert panel on Breast Cancer Surgery & Reconstruction
June 2016 ~Breast Cancer Surgery and Reconstruction ~ What’s Right for You
Terri was approached by author, Patricia Anstett, in June of 2015 to be interviewed for this publication. In June of 2016 the book was published. Terri, along with several other breast cancer survivors told their story and their own journey through breast cancer. Terri’s story can be found on pages 106-108. The book is full of stories about the breast reconstruction process and why some women chose to have reconstruction and others did not.
February 2016 ~ #BCSM Tweet Chat Breast Reconstruction
Terri, founder of DiepCJourney Foundation, holds a Tweet Chat with the #BCSM community and Dr. David Song, ASPS president to educate and inform social media participants about breast reconstruction options. A follow up blog on and a brief summary of key items covered and some of the comments that were shared can be read here.
December 2015 ~ Breast Cancer Patient Education Act Passes into Law
Terri, Founder of DiepCjourney Foundation, registers the Symplur Healthcare hashtag, #BCPEA, to bring Social Media awareness for the need to educate and inform about all options for breast reconstruction.